Monday, April 11, 2016

"Platform 9 and 3/4 Right This Way..."

Did you hold the door open for anyone today? Did you let anyone step in front of you on your way into school, the cafeteria, a classroom? Lend anyone a pencil, pick up a fallen book or paper? For most of you, the answer is probably yes, you did in fact do one or more of those things. All of you are well-mannered, considerate and generally just a nice bunch of kids. So, for today, or the next 4 days as it were, let's take that one step further. This will require a bit of imagination, introspection and innovation, so again, don't sit down to this blog on Wednesday night at 11pm and think you can do a respectable job on it.

Ok, so imagine, one morning, after a kindly old wizard--who bears a striking resemblance to Albus Dumbledore--visits you in your dreams, you awaken with the power to give one person anything in the entire universe. (Nothing gross about a wizard from Harry Potter checking in on us from time to time, I say!) What would it be and why?

Now, that question, while startling limited in word content, is not as simple or straightforward as it seems.
I am not actually asking you to go ask someone what wish they would like to have granted (which seems like the obvious assumption given that I started off talking about wizards and magic); Instead, I am asking you what YOU want to give someone else if you had the power to give them anything, and I am asking you to explain that choice.  Additionally, because there is always an "additionally," I would also like to know what advice you would give this person after you have bestowed this "gift" upon him or her.


  1. This actually happened to my father’s cousin once: the whole waking-up-in-the-morning-with-a-superpower thing. Anyway, she is allowed out of the mental hospital on holidays, provided she has family to look after her, although she is always more concerned about the helicopters following her rather than the holiday festivities, but she does have a great sense of humor. But I digress. I can relate to this post, as many old bearded men have visited me in my dreams; usually the man is an older me—although not too much older; he is most likely in his late thirties, but has gray hair because of my awful genetics, is hunched because I am stupid and carry too many books in my bookbag, and is wise because he is Bryan. Despite this, however, he unfortunately never has much to say because he has breathing problems and bad teeth. On top of that, he is a little senile, so he says some crazy stuff.

    It is very implausible that Dumbledore would ever visit me in my dreams (I am more of a Gandalf type of guy), but if a middle-aged, bearded Bryan, who looks like the child of Dumbledore and Gandalf (this is not too much of a stretch because Ian McKellen, who plays Gandalf, was one of the first successful, openly gay actors), was to visit me and grant me the ability to grant any one person anything in the universe, I would have been soon to do so. You see, if future Bryan were to give me this ability, I would be obligated to use the ability to pass the ability down to my younger self once I became a middle-aged bearded Bryan myself. If I were to use the ability on someone other than myself, then who did I get the ability from? It could not have been my future self, for my future self would not have been able to use the ability to give it to me because he would never have received the ability as a teenager. If I were to use the ability to give something to, say, Bill O’Reilly (a brain perhaps, or maybe even a birthday cake with a tiny bomb inside), then I could not have ever even been given the ability to do so in the first place. Therefore, I do not have much of a choice in whom I give something to, or even in what I give: I have to give myself the ability to give myself the ability to give myself something, or else the whole thing just does not work. If I were to give myself better eyebrows, then I would never have been given the ability to give myself better eyebrows. Thus, my eyebrows would not get better; they would probably explode due to their breaking of the space-time continuum.

    To avoid breaking the space-time continuum, the middle-aged, bearded Bryan would tell the youthful, energetic, high school Bryan to make sure to pass down the ability to himself once he grows out an awesome wizard beard. This is imperative, and also gives Bryan a meaning to his life. Think about it: if the younger Bryan was given the ability and must pass it down to avoid breaking the space-time continuum (and perhaps even destroying the universe in the process), he would have to ensure that he live to that moment when he may become middle-aged, bearded, wizard Bryan. If younger Bryan were to, say, succumb to heroin abuse, he might not ever be able to pass down the ability, or might misuse it while under the influence of the drug. Therefore, younger Bryan has an immense responsibility on his hands: live healthily to the point when he may pass down the ability to himself, or else the world may end. In a way, I would be eternal, as one incarnation of myself would always be in the process of passing down the ability to a younger me. I would have a purpose in life. I would be a deity.

    1. However, a different problem arises: How did older Bryan transfer the ability through a dream, and through time? Surely, the wizard Bryan would have had to be given the ability to time-travel by someone, but it could not have been a future, future Bryan that gave him the ability, because each Bryan has the ability to only pass down one thing. Thus, where did the second thing, the ability to time-travel and dream-travel, come from? How did middle-aged, bearded Bryan become a wizard-like figure at all? But despite this “plot hole”, there is a bigger, more philosophical question:

      In writing this post, I was asked “what YOU want to give someone else if you had the power to give them anything”. My question is: did I answer that question? Does my past self qualify as “someone else” if my past, energetic, youthful self is very different than my future self, a bearded, hunched back wizard? Most skin cells live a few weeks. Therefore, most of the cells in my body are dying and being replaced with new cells. Am I me? Does the change in the cells of my body change who I am? The healthy cells that made up my past self were killed off and replaced with disgusting cells of my future self. Because of this, I would argue that I am not me, at least not entirely, or even mostly, and, thus, I did answer the question because my future self would have killed off my past self, and to do this it would have had to be “someone else”, an individual entity. Thus, I pose the question, “Who am I?” Descartes said, “I think. Therefore, I am,” but do I think, or do I simply think that I think? Yes.

  2. If I had the ability to give someone something, I would give them the answer to the meaning of life. I myself obviously do not know the meaning, but I am the one with the powers here so I can make somebody else know. I would give them the ability for their brain to suddenly come to the realization of what the meaning of life is. We all wonder the same things, maybe not everyone but definitely me, I wonder things such as, what is beyond Earth and space? Where no human (as we know of) has ever been. Space goes on and on and on and never ends, so we think. What if there's a giant wall at some point and you just hit it and that's that. Like we are in a box. This whole universe in a giant box. What if we aren't as big as we think we are? What if big things are normal sized and we and everything we have and know is super microscopic. And the fact that NO ONE will ever know how this all was created. People have ideas but those ideas were created to give people comfort and not confusion. What was here before planets, before space? Like was it nothing but darkness everywhere? Like what?!?!? Do you guys reading even know what I'm talking about? It is insane how no one will EVER KNOW! How were words created, how was math invented? For all we know 2+2 could equal 36. We will never know because somebody made up numbers. Like how do we know everything we are taught about science and math is real? Like somebody just made this crap up one day. If you think about it...what is real? What is not real? Every single idea, every single thing we know, was just made up a long time ago. It is all ideas like omg my brain hurts thinking about. Time was made up too. Think about it like in a different world two days could really be their one day, and night time was the middle of their day. Im just making up nonsense now lol. Most importantly, the big question, what is the meaning of life? Why were we put here? How did all of this happen? What is the purpose? Who or what created all of this? Its madness in my brain... what is the answer!? And the only person I would trust with this information, is my brother. I would give him the ability to know the answer to what the meaning of life was. And the one thing he can only do is to tell me of course. ONLY ME. I would write a book and make millions of billions. It would also satisfy my brain. I live by “always ask why”. ALWAYS ASK WHY. And that is the biggest most important why question I have. Why was life created? What is the purpose? I can’t be the only one extremely confused and wanting to know the answer. Since my ability to give a gift has to be to someone else, my brother would be the one. Id love to just give myself the ability to know the answer, but until that is ever possible, I will continue to wonder and come up with my own theories. I answered this blog a little selfishly, but sometimes you should make things about you. Of course you should be a nice person, care and love others. But you cannot forget about yourself. :)

  3. Money plays a large role in today's society. I guarantee that most people when they first read this blog post thought, "money". Money runs our country in a way that no president ever could. Our entire lives revolve around money. Where we live, where we go to school, the food we eat, and more are things that are based off of how much money we have.
    Many people say that you do not need money to be happy or content in life. I believe this to be true, only to a certain extent. I am very happy with the people in my life and the things I have, but we all have that thought in the back of our heads that says, "Good luck going to college with that tuition." We all wish that weren't the case, but the reality of it is that we have to worry about money. If we don't, we could end up in thousands of dollars in debt with no way to get out. Money determines where you end up in life. This fact saddens me, but I am someone who looks at the reality of things.
    Therefore, if I had the power to give any one person anything in the world, I would give my mother enough money to live comfortably and send my brothers and I to college. That may sound like I am trying to turn this around in my favor, but that is what my mother would want. My mother only wants to give the best for us, but of course she struggles a bit. I've seen this upset her many times and I don't like seeing her upset. She does everything for me and if it was as simple as a wizard showing up in my dreams for me to give her what she needs, I would not hesitate. No one in the world has worked as hard to keep me happy as my mother has. She has always put my needs in front of hers and if I could do that for her, I would. If my mother had to sacrifice everything in her life to be able to feed us, she wouldn't think twice about it. My mother is someone who tries to see the good in everyone, even the people who have done her wrong or "dirty", as some may say. She took in a newborn baby for the sole fact that she wanted to give her a life that she would otherwise not have been given. No one in the world is as important to me as my mother. I mean, if it weren't for her, I wouldn't be alive. She always takes care of me. She had to be by my side for 4 months when I had developed a kidney stone (If you have never had a kidney stone, count your blessings). Whenever I needed something, she was there. She would call me in school to make sure that I felt okay. All of these things make up a wonderful person and without her, I would be clueless. This is the one thing that would make her happy and that is what I would give her.

  4. If I could give anyone a gift it would be my mom. My mom deserves everything in the world and I wish I could give it all to her but sadly I can’t. So if one day I could magically grant someone a wish I would pick my mommy because she is cool af and really does deserve all the gifts in the world even though we are screaming at each other 24/7. I wish I could give her like 38732 things but this blog is making me choose one thing and out of all things I could give to her I would have to give her the power to be invincible. I don’t know if you are asking me to give out an actual present so I'm just going to assume you mean something abstract and not a physical gift. (But if it is supposed to be an actual gift I would give her a plane ticket to italy so she can be happy in her own country since she hates america and wishes that she could be back with her family in italy) But anyway, my mom has been through hell and back physically and mentally so if she had the power to be able to go through life unharmed then that would solve a lot of the issues she deals with everyday. Everyday she has to mentally deal with the fact that the only family she has in america is me. Yeah she married my dad but they aren’t blood related family. All of her family members live a 10 hour plane flight away and a 1.29$ per minute phone call away which isn’t easy to live with. She has no one other than a few friends to talk to and half the time she doesn’t even want to talk to them because they don’t speak italian and she hates speaking english. If I could give her the ability to get over the fact that her accent doesn’t matter and is actually really cute then that would be cool beans. Physically, she is almost torn to shreds. We have been in a plethora of “fender-benders” that have resulting in countless surgeries and a lifetime of pain and if I could just take away all of her pain then her life and my life would be a hell of alot easier.

    After giving my mom the gift to be invincible I would just tell her to be herself. I feel like she can never get what she wants to say out because of the language difference and she is always hiding herself from public situations because people look at her like she has four heads. She's actually a pretty funny gal so if she could just take this invincibility and be herself then that's all that matters. Seeing her happy makes me happy and seeing her sad makes me sad. She is my A1 since day 1 and I would do anything for her, including taking the dishes out of the dishwasher even though I hate doing it because I can’t reach the dish cabinets to put the dishes away.

  5. Obviously the first thing that came to mind on who I would bestow a gift upon was my parents. As much as I complain about or to them I love them to death. My parents are the reason I am who I am and I am forever grateful for that. They have literally done and still do everything to help me excel in the things I do. So my gift to them would be money. I would not just give them money just so they can go out and waste it and I know they wouldn't and that is why they are the perfect people to give it to. My parents do not frivolously buy things, they take their time to do their research if it is expensive for example "my" car. My parents took the time and effort to collaborate (and they have been divorced for 10 years) together to make sure what car they buy can last through three kids. I would give them the gift of money because they are both single parents of three working and driving everyday while also having to pay their bills alone. On top of all that they had to buy a car and soon have to put three kids through college. Also my dad is doing an entire house remodel because his girlfriend and her two girls are moving in with us. I would love to give my parents money because they would be able to be at peace. Being able to pay their bills and not have to worry or stress would be the best gift I could ever give them. They wouldn't just go out and spend the money on random things instead they would pay their bills but also take well deserved vacations. I would love to give my mom money because I know she would travel the world and get to live out her dream as well as mine. She would not only see the world but she would also capture it all with her beloved camera. My dad, instead of traveling would most likely just use the money to upgrade the house to everything he ever dreamed off. Giving my dad money would not only make him radiate but also his girlfriend. With the money they would build their dream house. With this gift I also win. Being able to give back to the two most supportive people in my life is my dream. In doing this I would be able to see them so happy I can not seem to put it into words. With this gift the only advice I would give them is to use the money on things that would result in them being happy. Although debts are not a happy thing being able to pay them off is probably the greatest most accomplishing feeling there is. Ultimately, my parents deserve the world and more because that is what they have give me my entire life. This blog makes me super happy because I feel like once I go to sleep in like five minutes I'm going to wake up to a wizard and be able to give my parents the world. Love you Bunje because now I have great hope that one day I will be able to give them everything they deserve even if I am not woken by a wizard.

  6. I have never had a dream that contained a wizard in it. But, now after reading this blog post I probably will tonight. If I had the power to bestow upon someone a single gift, either tangible or not, I would gift them the ability to see the beauty in everything and everyone. A common aphorism that almost everyone knows is the one that states how "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." And it's true. Everyone sees beauty differently. However, not everyone sees beauty in everything. The concept of beauty is one that is abstract as its standard constantly changes. Not to mention, it can be manipulated and faked. But, no matter how unappealing something or someone is externally as well as internally, the beauty is still there. And living in a world where the bad mostly outweighs the good, being able to see the little beautiful and uplifting aspects might just be a saving grace. So many people are too focused on negativity. We only talk about how crappy our day has been or how terrible it is for some horrible event to happen. In fact, all the news ever does is report on the bad stuff and all the media does is put people down. Not enough people appreciate the pretty fantastic things that happen and the beautiful things that they witness every day. So, if there ever is a person who is too cynical and blindsided by all the negativity of life, I would wish upon them the sight to see the beautiful parts of life.
    However, with every blessing comes a curse. In this case, the curse being that with the new sight of beauty, one might forget that some things are what they actually seem to be. My advice, then, would be to warn this person to keep every little thing in mind when it comes to the judgment of things and others. Taking another aphorism, "all that glitters is not gold," into account, the person who is gifted must not only focus on just the beauty of things as it may alter his perception and lead him to his own downfall. When all someone sees is beauty, they tend to be blindsided by it, just like when they only see the ugly. So, in hopes of having this gift, I wish for them to take all things beautiful and all things ugly into account in their life because living life to the fullest is all about having a nice balance between opposing ideas.

  7. I feel like the only 2 things I write about are Sierra and my mom (but than again they are the 2 most important people in my life— and my dad of course). But anyways, this blog is perfect for me because I always love the spirit of giving (why I love Christmas). It puts joy on my face to give to others; especially one’s that are in need of it. While reading this blog, as soon as the question was asked, an immediate answer came to my head. That is simply because the answer is everything (not physically everything, well it basically is). It is everything because the government makes it everything. It is the only way we can survive nowadays. It puts a shelter above our heads, clothes on our backs, shoes on our feet, and food in our tummies. Everything we have is revolved around this. And since I’m always telling Sierra I would give everything to her if I could, I would if I had this magical power.

    I’m sure you can guess what I am talking about but I am not going to physically state it until the end of this blog (yes I know I cannot physically state something through a computer). I would simply give this to her because she deserves it. And if you don’t know why you’re prolly not in period 6 lang (my most recent OP). She’s been through too much in her life for her not to be my 1st choice in how I would grant something to someone. Plus the benefits are endless because what’s her’s is mine. This thing I would give her can boost her confidence, make her happy, and let me stare at that smile I always love. It would boost her confidence because she is always complaining she wears the same thing every week. In which I find it sad because in high school everyone is trying to fit in or out due eachother. They try to live a life they cannot— a celebrity life to be exact. Since she claims I am her happiness, this could only make her even more happier. That’s because this is the only way you can get things. Everything you see is revolved around this. What I am typing on right now is revolved around this. My whole room is revolved around this. In fact, my whole house is revolved around this (yes I live in an apartment but let me dream). What I would give to her is literally everything.

    I would ask her (even though in the blog Bunj said not too) but I know her answer would be something so romantic is sickens me. Her exact words would be, “I don’t need anything because I have you.” And that’s what she says a lot when I try to get her things. It always seems to bring a smile to my face, rather it’s through text or directly said. Now, I hear the ice cream truck rollin’ through my complex, I’m going to chase after it and I shall resume when I return…

    Now that I devoured a vanilla cone with rainbow sprinkles I shall continue this blog.

    This wish I would give her can send her to college without student loans in the end, make her the flyest girl in the school, and give her a nice baby blue lambo (baby blue because it’s her favorite colour). Although it makes me happy at the thought of how much this could bring to her life, it saddens me that this little piece of paper is what really determines if you can eat, drink, have a house, own a car, dress well, and for some people happiness. It’s sad that money is everything.

  8. If Dumbledore came into my dreams and gave me the power to give one person anything in the entire universe, I would immediately turn to my mom. Don’t get me wrong, I love my dad. But my mom has been through so much in her lifetime; it honestly breaks my heart just hearing it. And she’s still going through so much just to make ME (and my bro of course) happy. Gosh, I love her. So, my gift to her is an endless amount of love and security. It sounds cheesy, I know. And it may not make any sense, but trust me, it will.

    My mom is the anchor of the family. She’s the one who keeps us in place. Without her, I don’t know what I would do. She’s told me countless of times that she wants to give us a good life, a better life than hers. Everyday, she wakes up at 3 in the morning for work. I know, that’s a horrible time to start your day, but if she worked the other schedule, she, and I quote, “wouldn’t be able to see us during the day”. So to her, waking up at 3 am everyday was the best option. And her job isn’t that great either. While at work, she often has to deal with annoying drunkards and pricks and their rude comments. And she can’t say anything either because of “rules” (If I was there, I’d attack them). But at 12:30, she’s done work. She typically goes to Shoprite or Walmart or runs errands right after, which usually takes her an hour to do, before coming straight home. When she gets home, she starts cooking a meal for the family. And once I get home, she puts everything aside and hangs out with me. There’s more, but I don’t want to bore you guys with my mom’s daily routine. Yes, she’s being a mom and taking care of the family, doing whatever she has to do. But I also feel like she’s doing so much, sacrificing all these things just so her love ones don’t leave her (literally and figuratively). My mom has lost so many people in her life. Maybe she feels if she does certain things, people will love her more and wouldn’t leave her. I mean, she could’ve worked any other schedule, but she picked the most horrendous one to be with her family. I remember I was listening to “7 years” by Lukas Graham, and she heard the line, “I hope my children come and visit once or twice a month.” And she had this really sad look on her face. She thinks I’ll leave and forget about her... I don’t know, maybe I’m thinking too deep into this. But yea, I would give my mom an endless amount of love and security. I want her to feel that she’s safe and loved and no one, not even me, will ever leave her. As for my advice, I would tell my mom to “chill” and stop overworking herself. Sometimes you just gotta do what’s right for you, and no one will be offended by it. I just feel like my mom fails to realize that she’s the best mom I could ever ask for. And whether she does certain things or not, it wouldn’t make me love her any less.

  9. If Dumbledore paid me a visit in my dreams to grant me the power to give anyone anything in this world, I would feel honored. Not only did Dumbledore decided to come into my dreams, but also gave me the opportunity to help someone in need, that is truly amazing. Therefore, just like they say, “Great power comes with great responsibility”, truly comes into motion with this situation.

    Now that I was granted the power to give anyone anything, I would use my power to donate a significant amount of money to The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. As most of you already know, I had my back surgery last summer at CHOP and I would not have gone anywhere else. I am so grateful everyday for the success my orthopedic surgeon and his team had with my surgery that there are no words to describe my gratitude. However, one way to remotely express my gratitude is to use the power Dumbledore bestowed in me to donate to the entire hospital, not just one specific section or specialty, because I want everyone to be as lucky and happy and successful as I was.

    The advice I would give to the hospital after donating the money would be to use it wisely and make every cent count because there are many children in this world that deserve to live a long, happy life. Even though I am fairly certain that the money will be in good hands, because I would not have donated it if it was not. I would also tell the workers there to perform to the best of their abilities because entering and leaving a hospital is life changing, which could either be a good or bad thing. Hopefully, the majority of people are leaving with a positive life changing experience just like mine.

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  12. Ok, well knowing you, I know you will be A-OK (is that it?) (ayyyy-ok??) that a dog is a person.
    I ran down a bunch of people that I considered gifting, but it didn’t seem right. I saw that they had things missing from their life, but it seemed so false. (I know that was the freaking point) I get filling in the huge holes that I see in their personality that ruin so many aspects about them. But, they don’t need it. They don’t really deserve it. I think that the good things in life (the abstract gifts I would want to give) are things that are gifted through experience.
    It’d be great to gift someone something, but it seriously doesn’t seem right. It is important to find happiness within yourself-for yourself. Loving yourself is with the help of yourself. Your environment, of course, plays a role, but it is your confidence, your love. It is you.
    People don’t need magical gifts, they just need a chance at living and experiencing. You just need to communicate, fight, cry(which I refuse to do and explains my childish antics), laugh, all the works. Things aren’t fair. People suffer more than other. People hurt more. But, the things you go through struggle or not slowly dent and mold you into something else. Something else that has learned more, gone through stuff, lived.
    One of my thoughts was to gift money, but that seemed selfish. There are so many people who deserve just that and I don’t know them to give it to them. But then I thought about how if I gave every poor person money, then money is useless. I guess we should go back to trading goods for other goods.
    I thought about gifting experience since I said you needed that, but experience is anything. Simple-just conversation, just interaction.
    So after much trouble, I picked Toby Van. I want to give him the gift of English, a lil Vietnamese so my mom and grandma can talk in their 95in voice to him once in awhile. I always feel bad for the seven hours I’m at school, I have no clue what he’s doing or whatever. But, he’d be the coolest little guy, we could gossip and fight with each other. I’ve always wanted to have a little sister, I know he’s a guy but I figure when I drop English on him he will probably have a high pitch voice-I won’t know the difference.
    I feel like Toby’s personality will be completely sassy and sarcastic...I actually now am realizing I want my dog to be a mini me. Ok, anyways, I would tell him to not be such a big mouth and never to blame me when something goes wrong the crib, I’m always getting in trouble and now I will finally have a little furry me on my side.

  13. I may sound a little selfish for saying this, so I apologize in advance, but I would like to grant myself a gift. Okay, let me explain myself.

    So, it wouldn’t make sense for current Kayla Hamler to give current Kayla Hamler #2 a gift, because current Kayla Hamler #2 is in the exact same predicament as current Kayla Hamler #1. Basically, the gift exchange would be pointless, because both Kaylas are the same person. They are both having the same problems, and they are both in desperate need of help. Two wrongs don’t make a right! Hmmm... nevermind, I don’t think that saying is relevant to the situation (I just like saying it).

    So, I kind of had the same vision as Bryan. Well, not really, Bryan’s idea is way more complex and probably makes more sense. Anyway, what if an older version of Kayla Hamler (future Kay) granted the current Kayla Hamler with a gift… any gift.

    Okay, I have a million thoughts running through my head right now, so before I go any further, let’s backtrack to the very beginning. So, one may ask why I want to grant myself a gift. Well, here is my reasoning:

    I have devoted my entire life to worrying, caring, and looking after everyone else. I have put everyone else’s priorities before my own, which sucks, because I do not always receive the same treatment in return. However, I do not mind not receiving anything in return, because I enjoy helping people regardless. I am a genuinely nice person, and usually, people like myself, who are so concerned with everyone else's needs, end up forgetting about their own. I learned this the hard way. As I grew older, I realized that people were not there for me as much as I was for them. I realized that only I can be there for myself. Yet, now, I am at a point in life, where I need someone else’s support, guidance, etc.. I don’t know how to fix or better my current situation. I’m still a child. So, this is where FUTURE KAY comes in. Future Kay, is much older than I am. She has already been through whatever I will go through in my future life, so why not ask her for advice?

    Now, what exactly would FUTURE KAY grant me?

    1. If FUTURE KAY had the ability to bestow a special gift to current Kayla (me), It would be the gift of having confidence, both physical and mental. I don’t want to go into detail about the whole “confidence in my physical appearance” jawn, because surprisingly, I’ve gained a little more of that. Instead, I want to focus on my mental confidence. People say I’m smart. Okay, that’s cool, but I don’t fully believe that. I know whoever is reading this probably wants to punch me in the face, I am sorry, but hear me out. I compare myself to people way too much. Comparing myself to others is the source of my problem (I think). I need to learn how to accept and embrace the talent that I have… that is if I actually have any. I need to “Love Mine”, like J Cole said in his song “ Love Yourz”. Yet, I do not know how to. The only person who does is Future Kayla, because she has already been through it. She has already learned how to overcome it. Anyway, you want to know why I think I’m dumb, because I’m constantly surrounded in a room with people who understand things that I don’t. You know why I panic on the starting line, because I’m lined up against a row of athletes who I know for a fact are faster than me. Yet, maybe that isn’t the case. Maybe it is all in my head. Maybe I am equally as intelligent or equally as fast as the others I’m surrounded by. Maybe my confidence, is a blockade, preventing me from believing in my own abilities. The only person who can help me is myself, but how exactly can I help myself right now? I would get absolutely nowhere with the help of myself. I am currently stuck in a state of desperation and confusion. In fact, as of right now, I am clueless, and in need of FUTURE KAY’s advice as to how she overcame it. With this valuable information, I will hopefully be able cure the problem, perhaps even quicker than she did. That way, I won’t have to suffer in this state of desperation and confusion any longer. Then, I can move onto the better and more stressful things in life.

  14. There’s a reason why genies only grant three wishes. Magic is just too much to handle for a mere mortal. They will go crazy with power. The world is full of “wants, wants wants” instead of needs. For this reason, I wouldn’t want to use magic for something as worthless (in the long run) as money. Money is an idea we all accept and capitalism is messed up and money does not deserve to be this magical gift.

    I was thinking about needs, and all the things people fret over frequently aren’t all that necessary for a good life. Love and support are what we need. What my mom and brother need is more love and support. I would tell this wizard to give them my dad. My mom toughened up these last few years and she works way too hard to take care of us. She is an immigrant who learned English as an adult in lousy New Jersey raising two kids that join too many clubs, but are too lazy to help around the house. This was not her dream. And my brother, he’s stuck. He’s stuck with two girls. He’ll want to wrestle or play fight and I’ll go along for a few minutes, but dang, that Krav Maga is not something I want to mess with. More importantly, I want him to have a stable male role model. He might be a mama’s boy, but I see sometimes my mom just won’t understand where he is coming from. The two of them learned to live without him, but they would love having my dad again. I know that in the Harry Potter universe, bringing back dead people is a no-no, but just having my dad floating around as a ghost or even sticking around in a painting would help.

    Of course, they would already know this, but I would tell my mom and brother that any time at all, no matter how short, with someone you love is a blessing. There is no book, song, painting, bath, place, so comforting as the presence of someone you love. If I know anything, the people in our lives are what’s most important.

  15. I wrote a whole OP my aunt. She is someone I consider my second mom because she basically raised me since I was a baby. My aunt is a beautiful person inside and out. She is so kind, so caring, so loving, so talented, so patient, but also very insecure. Ever since she was young, she had a twisted legs. Like her bones are curved, so when she is standing straight, her feet point a little more in than they should. This causes her a lot of difficulty in walking and standing for long periods of times, and is also the main cause of her low confidence. My aunt used to not go anywhere because she was embarrassed about her legs. It took many years to finally convince her to travel and explore the world. If I could bestow any gift upon her, it would be a perfect pair of legs. I think that my aunt would have lived a much happier and free-er (lol is that it?) life if she didn’t have her leg deformity. Not that she isn’t happy or free, but her actions are confined by what her legs can or cannot handle. I would tell my aunt that she’s beautiful just as she is and that she shouldn’t be embarrassed or ashamed about her legs. However, now that she has legs, go out and enjoy herself.

  16. I love Harry Potter. When I went to Florida to visit my sister we went to Universal, and let me just tell you... I NEVER WANTED TO LEAVE. There was soooooo much stuff to see, you need at least two days to look at everything. They had butterbeer and all the shops from Diagon Alley. The rides dedicated to Harry Potter were badass. The one ride I thought I was part of the Quidditch team. Anyways, if the wondrous Albus Dumbledore (It would have to be the second Dumbledore and not the first one) were to visit me in my dream, and I magically wake up with the ability to give something to someone, I choose my oldest sister.

    I would give Gigi a time machine. The time machine would kinda be like the movie “Hot Tub Time Machine”. Where the old group of friends went into to a hot tub and it was actually a time machine. They end up going back in time to when they were young, and they can see everything they do. I would give Gigi a time machine for two things: one, so she could see herself when she was addicted to drugs and see everything Adrianna and I had to go through, and two: for her to make the choice to go back in time and change her getting involved with drugs, and to not have an addiction to something. I’m allowing Gigi to make her own decision to change her past because I think she needs to be the one to want to make a change. It’s her life not mine so it’s up to her to change it.

    I would give this to my sweet sister Gigi because seeing her addicted to drugs has been the worst thing to happen in my life. She was my rock, seriously anything and everything we were there for each other. When the love started to leave and the heroin and everything else came in, I lost my rock. She has absolutely no idea how bad she hurt me, and how much I still hurt today because of her. I think if she saw how I felt from a different perspective that she would want to change that part of her life. So that’s why I will give her a time machine.

    The advice I would tell Gigi is to think really long and hard before using the time machine. Before she decides to relive something, and before she decides to change something. Because sometimes people have a quick irrational thought and act out on that quick thought. She needs to really think about everything because she likes to make quick decisions, and that’s one of the reasons why she’s at where she’s at.

  17. Even though I don’t really show it, I appreciate my parents for everything they do. They’ve been through so much to be where they are today. The struggles that they’ve been through is the reason why if I had the power to, I’d give them an easier life. I would make it so that they wouldn’t have to stress over money because that is one of the reasons why they lead a stressful life today.

    Both of my parents grew up poor. My mom had it worse than my dad but they both experienced the same fear of not knowing when their next meal would be. My mom has several siblings. When her dad died, her mother could not support the entire family so my mom quit middle school to take care of her siblings. My dad was able to finish middle school but that was it. He immediately started working to find money and help feed his family.

    They both came to America to find an opportunity and money. My mom got the opportunity to come to America with her cousins, but her aunt treated her like a maid. While staying with her aunt, my mom would do the dishes, the laundry, and cook the food. Even though her aunt treated her like this, my mom did not complain. She continued to work so that she could stay in America and find a job. My dad came here through a refugee system during the Vietnam war. My father told me, he somehow snuck into the refugee system where he spent two years in Thailand and eventually came to America. My father told me he risked his life by doing this.

    Seeing my parents now, I wouldn’t say they have an extremely hard life. Both my parents have okay jobs. My dad works as a dealer in the Casino and my mom works at a nail salon. My parents seem to make enough money to pay for everything. Sometimes I worry though. Sometimes when I hear things about my dad’s job like if he might lose it, I start to worry a lot. I think my parents worry about a lot of things related to money. I just think that because they’ve been through so much they’re better at hiding how worried they are. That is why I want to give them an easier life. My parents work so hard for me and my siblings. I don’t know if things are okay but they make it seem like everything is. I want to give them the ability to stop worrying over money and stuff like that. They deserve to live an easier life after struggling through so much this far.

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  19. After long deliberation on what to give and a long nap, I woke up looking for my softball uniform. Then, I thought about what I would like to receive if I was given a gift. If I ever had the ability to give one person anything in the whole world, I would give them talent. The ability to be talented at everything they did. To be talented and never need to try or practice. Naturally talented. Whether they played soccer or the violin or did math, they would be pristine. I mean 12 varsity letters and top 10 material. But, this gift could also backfire on a person. Never practicing anything could result in laziness and not trying to achieve anything at all.

    The advice I would bestow upon this special individual would be that when something happens too easily, it can be hard to tell if you really want it or not. You may take it for granted but don't because there are so many people that aren't good at anything. Choose something you love to do and are passionate about even if it doesn’t challenge you. I believe starting something and being great at it is extremely cool. I like to think I'm pretty good at gym class archery. During my first marking period learning it, I got a couple bulls-eyes. The best feeling in the world was picking up a bow and an arrow and being somewhat good at it without even trying. Spreading that feeling would make me happy to grant this to people.

  20. My dad was born in Charlottesville, Virginia. He was born to Hattie and Levi Hawkins and an old brother Junior, soon came his younger brother Keyvin. When my dad was released from the hospital as an infant he slept in a drawer taken out of a bureau. As he grew older he had to take trips down to the river to wash his clothes. He had to pairs of shoes and two pairs of socks, one pair for church the other for play. Things got easier as he got older but when he was 18 he moved from his only house he ever knew and to New Jersey.
    In Pleasantville, New Jersey, right on Main St across from the liquor store is where my dad moved to. He didn’t stay there long though. He got my half brother’s mom pregnant and had to move out to support them both. When things went and with her he had to move from there as well. Finally he met my mom and later they settled down in a house in Pleasantville with my two older brothers and I. My dad spent time renovating the basement to make two bedroom down there and add on a second living room for the boys. But when my mom found out she was pregnant with Justin she decided the hose wasn’t big enough and we needed to move. My dad ever wanted to ut he agreed anyway.
    In Mays Landing, we got a big five bedroom house on Ocean Heights. My dad had so many plans for the house. He was going to finish the basement so my brother could have a small basketball court, to please my skateboarding phase he planned on putting ramps in the backyard so I wouldn't have to be intimidated by the ig kids in the skate park, and I’m sure something was planned for Justin but he was only four or five. My dad’s blue prints were sadly replaced with divorce papers before any construction could really begin. Once the divorce was final he couldn’t afford to stay in the house that he truly loved.
    He moved around to a couple places but none he really loved like that house. So my one gift to my dad would be a full paid for house that he designs himself and decides the exact location. He wouldn’t have to bust his ass anymore, there would be no mortgage to worry about. He could get the boxer pup he is always talking about and be happier. Although, this isn’t supposed to e a gift for myself it would really make me happy to see my dad with his own house exactly how he wants it.

  21. If I had the power to grant someone with any gift it would be the natural ability to read minds. This is something I always wanted to be able to do, I’m sure everyone has. Just the fact of knowing what someone is ACTUALLY thinking. It would honestly make life so much more easier. Feelings and emotions vary frequently within a person and knowing how they feel is hard to sometimes come across. However, this is where it has its pros and cons. Reading minds only should occur when you believe it concerns you,someone close to you, or if that person (hopefully it being your friend) isn’t good at expressing feelings. This will help you dig deeper and get a better understanding. I don’t think that person should take advantage of this ability and abuse reading people’s mind because personally there are just some things I like to keep to myself and just have no reason to be let out. I guess there are times when you can have a little fun with it and catch people lying or saying things completely different than what they are thinking. You can just sit there and be like “oh yeah, are you really” like you have no idea lol. The more I talk of this the more I desire to have this gift. I honestly think it would be the coolest thing. Anyway, this ability is mainly to help you out because sometimes it is good for you to know for sure. For example, a great time to use it is on your significant other, (mainly on boys) you know how boys can be, say one thing but mean another. Now with this gift you know where their feelings are really at. Weather they like you as much as they say or only planning to be with you to waste your time. Interesting right? I am not just granting this because I think it's a great power to have and wish I had it but you will also be able to learn a lot from it and realize how life would be different from the rest. Will it actually be a good thing?

  22. I know that having money is not everything, but it is certainly something that people around the globe are lacking. Unfortunately, nowadays money can almost buy anything. Money can buy homes, clothes, cars, and, in my opinion, happiness. So my gift would be extreme wealth.
    Money cannot just give you happiness, but it's what you do with the money that gives you happiness. Just think of all the things that you would and could do if money was not there to hold you back. You could, to reference Parks and Recreation, “treat yo self”. Anything that costs money could now be in the picture. However, happiness is not the only thing that giving wealth to someone yields. If I gave someone this gift of wealth, I would give them the advice to give back. If this person gives back, and they will because the have so much money they will not know what to do with all of it, than it helps plenty of people. This person can give to charities or, even better, create their own charity that they are passionate about. This gift will not just make one person happy, it has the potential to make millions of people happy, and that is why I chose it.

  23. I saw the numbers “9 and ¾” and I was already excited because I could probably sit and talk about Harry Potter all day, every day, for the rest of my small, insignificant life. And when I talk about Harry Potter, just like when I talk about anything else, I always bring the conversation back to my little brother. Thomas, Jedi extraordinaire, the smarter Pham child, more honest than honest Abe, sweet as a cupcake, sarcastic like Pope, cuter than a pumpkin, pants higher than the stoners who smoke in the school bathroom, Pham. Thomas is currently on Book 7, “The Deathly Hallows” AKA my favorite in the series (“Goblet of Fire” being my second favorite, then “Prisoner of Azkaban,” then “Half-Blood Prince,” then “Chamber of Secrets,” then “The Sorcerer’s Stone,” and finally “Order of the Phoenix”). I’m actually very proud of Thomas for being on Book 7, because I really thought he was going to quit halfway through Book 4. For “Character Day” at Hess, he asked me to draw a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead for him, and he even asked to borrow my souvenir wand from Universal Studios. I agreed to scribbling on his forehead with an eyebrow pencil, but declined to letting him touch my Hermione wand. He’s been begging for a wand of his own, and I’m probably going to buy him one for his birthday, but don’t tell him that.
    As I get older and start thinking more about my future, I become so preoccupied in my own problems that I forget Thomas has problems too. People may say mean things about me, but it’s crazy the amount of ways ruthless little elementary school kids will take advantage of a kid that they know is too nice to fight back. I have to stress about SAT subject tests, but Thomas has to deal with PARCC because he’s too young to “refuse” it. I’m holed up in my room doing homework all day, but that means Thomas is left helping my mom and dad with the chores. Consequently, Thomas has absolutely no time to be a kid, and along with his kind, sensitive nature, I find that he has really low self-esteem. So if a kindly old wizard with a majestic beard and bright blue eyes came to me one day allowing me to bestow one gift upon one person, I would gift Thomas Pham the confidence to stand up for himself and loosen up.
    It boggles my mind that Thomas is in fourth grade and does homework for an 1.5 hours every day, and because he’s considered “advanced,” he does an extra thirty minutes of math. It’s even more strange to me how stressed out he can get when he hasn’t finished his homework and it’s getting late, or if he doesn’t understand a concept that was taught in class. I don’t ever remember being stressed in elementary school. In elementary school, all I cared about was having fun and making friends and reading books. Thomas doesn’t seem to have a lot of friends, and whenever he makes one, he gets so overly-excited that it makes me think that he doesn’t think anybody likes him. So when he does come across people that like him, he can’t believe it and he can’t contain himself. This stresses me out, because Thomas is a genuine and sweet kid, so I never understand why he thinks no one likes him. He’s always wound up so tight, and he’s only ten!
    I wish I could take away all of his stress and insecurities and let him be a carefree, happy kid. He’s going to be entering middle school soon, and then high school, and then college, so he has years and years to stress and worry and go through the “angsty teenager” stage. And once I gift him confidence, I would tell him to use it wisely. There is a very fine line between confident and conceited, and I would never want to see my little brother become an entitled “fuckboy.” I would tell him to use his confidence as a way to feel secure with himself, and not as a way to feel superior to others.

  24. If a generous wizard appeared in my dream offering me a gift to give to someone, I would give my father a gift of an all expenses paid vacation to Australia. My dad is a hard working man who loves his children. He comes to every game, race, or event that my sister and I have and he's my number one fan. He's the one who pushes me in sports and in school, where my mom stopped pushing me. He is the one that always motivates me and I would love to give back to him with this gift. My poppa's dream vacation is to Australia, and my sister and I plan on taking him someday, but this gift would greatly help with that. My dad has given the world to my sister and I so he deserves to have his dream come true.

    After giving him the glamorous vacation, I would tell him to not worry about anything. My dad worries about everything and this vacation will be a good opportunity for him to just lay back on the beaches and relax. Knowing my dad, he won't go anywhere without my sister and I, so we would probably end up going to Australia with him. I’m definitely not going to complain about a free trip to Australia. I would also tell him to bring back a nice Australian girl (or Sheila), for himself. I feel that a woman in his life wouldn’t only be a good way to get his mind off his kids, money, and his crazy ex wife; but Australian accents are sexy so i wouldn’t wouldn’t mind hearing her yell at me to clean my room. My mom and dad are divorced, but she still yells at him and complains to him like they are married; which is probably where most of his stress comes from. I think he’s just too nice of a guy to say anything about it. This trip is the best thing that I could give to my dad, so I can’t wait for that visit from Dumbledore to grant this wish.

  25. If I woke up with the power to give one person ANYTHING in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE, I would give my Pop-pop the power to live forever. My Pop-pop is my entire universe and it scares me that he is getting older and older and soon he won’t be here with me anymore. He may not make it to my wedding or to meet my children and that thought frightens me-- a whole bunch. He’s been in my life since the day I was born and there hasn’t been a day that he wasn’t. He’s most of the reason I am who I am today and why I’m at where I’m at in life right now. He’s also the reason I will accomplish my goals in the future, not only because he provides THE BEST moral support, or because he will help me with any resource I may need to achieve my goal, but mostly because I want to make him proud. So, if I could give him the power to live forever, that would alleviate my worst nightmare.

    By being able to give this power to my Pop-pop, he would be able to continue watching not only myself, but his entire family-- and future family, and the family after that-- grow, which is one of the things that make him most happy in life. For Pop-pop to be happy, I’d do anything in the world to make that happy. The power to live forever would mean I would never be without him, not even for a second, and if that we’re to be realistic in real life, I wouldn’t want anything more. This way, with the power to live forever, I can spend my most important and happy times with the man I live for, and vise versa. It sounds awful to say, but I know now it’s just a countdown til’ he’s gone and that scares me to death. One of my biggest fears is losing him before I’m ready-- which I will never be. If I could just give him this one special power, both of our lives, along with family and close friends lives would be perfect. Could you imagine living forever? The more I think about it, the more I realize how boring it would get. And, the more I think about this power I’d give my Pop-pop, the more I realize how selfish that would be of me. Because, giving him the power to live forever, doesn’t give anyone else that power so he would lose me and everyone he loves, over and over and over again. Pop-pop isn’t good with goodbyes, especially when they are forever. But, he might thank me for it because the thing that makes him most happy is his family, and if he could live forever, he would have plenty of family.

    After giving Pop-pop this “gift” of a power, I would have to give him lots of advice. The advice I’d give him is along the lines of, don’t live with regret, live the life you’ve always dreamed of, and not all goodbyes are as bad as they seem. I would make sure to tell him not to live with regret because it tears people apart in just one lifetime, I couldn’t imagine what it would do to him in a forever lifetime. This is important because if he lives a forever life of regret, it would be a complete waste because regret slows down your life and makes you think “what if.” And “what if’s” are bad, very bad. So, to avoid a life of regret, I’d tell him to live the life he always dreamed of-- heck, he’s got forever to do it and enjoy it. By living with this lifestyle, he’d eliminate the “what if’s” and he would be very happy. And lastly, but definitely not least, is that not all goodbyes are as bad as they seem. This is extremely important advice for Pop-pop, especially for a life that lasts forever. Since he’s not good with goodbyes, and he’ll have to endure a lot in a forever lifetime, it is important that he can learn to accept that goodbyes lead to new hellos. This piece of advice is essential for him to live a happy forever life, because I know if he doesn’t comply with this advice, he’ll be nothing but broken. Only if I could really give him this power.

  26. First, if I see Dumbledore in my dreams, I would probably freak out and go see a doctor. That is just creepy. But if a wizard could give me the power to grant someone else something, I would love to gift Donald Trump something called common sense. Although some people may be evil, not everyone is bad. It is despicable to blame a whole race of people for terrorism when it is caused by certain individuals. Also, what is building a wall going to do? NOTHING! Anyways, building a wall and making Mexico pay for the wall is also stupid because it is a project of the US. It has nothing to do with Mexico! Our diplomatic relations with Mexico will suffer because of this guy named Trump. Withdrawing troops from overseas, may seem like a great idea but then the country will face unemployment issues. Serving in the army is actually a job and they are employed workers. Bringing the military back will introduce a whole new problem because all these soldiers who come back need to find jobs in the workforce. Then again, Trump wants other countries to pay for their military protection. Again, if Trump had common sense, he would know that if the US withdraws our troops, then there is no protection of weaker countries and soon countries will start invading each other for land. Another reason why I would give Trump some common sense is because he claims that we should withdraw our troops from Japan and South Korea, and let them build their own nuclear weapons. HELLO? Common sense? No one will be alive because everyone is going to be too busy blowing each other up. But again, he has no common sense.

    When I give this gift to him, my advice for him is that, I wish you luck in the future. I feel like this gift will help him in many ways because then, maybe he would not make a fool of himself and drop out of the race. Maybe then, he won’t be able to make stupid comments because everytime he talks, I just want to defenestrate my TV. Another thing I would say to him, is that common sense is the success to life because right now his life is just a mess in my opinion. In conclusion, I would use my powers to help the unfortunate because they are in need of greater help than me.

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  28. If I had the power to give one special person anything in the entire world I would definitely give my little brother all the Jordan sneakers that were ever made. Now I know that might sound silly but there's actually a deeper reason behind it. Ever since my brother was old enough to walk he always loved picking out the coolest sneakers and showing them off to everyone. When he would get a new pair of Jordan's his eyes would light up like the sun and true happiness would consume his body. When I first noticed this about him, I thought to myself "oh boy,this is an expensive thing to love". To me I think that all those Jordan's are a waste of money that you could use otherwise like saving for a car, house or etc. But to him sneakers mean everything to him. Which is why I would say I would give my little brother a lifetime supply of all the Jordan sneakers ever made. I love seeing him happy and I will do anything to see that cute little smile. My family means everything to me and I strive everyday to make them happy because then I feel satisfied with myself.
    Once I gave him all the sneakers I would leave him with an important message to remember. I would tell him that you shouldn't always want to receive things for yourself, and giving to others is the key to make you feel good inside. I would remind him that I did this out of love and I hope that one day he can give and make someone's day a little brighter. I would want him to know that I wasn't just giving him these shoes becuase he wanted them. But that I was giving him these shoes becuase I wanted to make him happy. He needed to learn that he can have an impact on peoples lives by just talking to them and I wanted him to be more generous after recieving this gift. My brother can be a little selfish and stingy with things sometimes so I hope that these words of advice will teach him how to change his ways and learn the true meaning of

  29. If I had the power to give anyone in the world anything they wanted, I’d give my dad a sailboat. I know this seems weird and materialistic, but there’s a much deeper meaning behind it. My dad works really long hours six days a week as a manager at a construction supply place; today he worked 11 hours, from 6 am to 7:30 pm. To say he doesn’t like his job would be an understatement due to the fact that he’s constantly tired and always coming home with stories (not-so-good ones) about his boss. Nevertheless, he continues to get up in the morning and make the 30-minute drive to work everyday because he knows he needs to for the sake of our family. The whole reason we moved here was so that we could all live together as a family again, since he lived with my aunt for a few months last year (who lives in EHT) so that his trip to work was only half an hour, compared to two and a half hours from north jersey. The reason he got the job here in the first place was because he was a trucking dispatcher in north jersey who worked the night shift 6 days a week plus overtime- and even then we couldn’t afford to rent an actual house, rather than the small 4 room apartment we had at the time. The point is, he knows he has to go to work everyday, while hating every second of it; how could he justify quitting after uprooting our whole family?
    It’s true my dad is one of the hardest working people I have ever met, sacrificing tons of time and energy just to support his family. But I know that he has the ability to do so much more with his life. He’s an amazing writer, poet, artist. He has such a creative and free-spirited mind that has sadly become trapped by the time-consuming nature of his job; he no longer has the time nor energy to sit down and draw or write a short story. But on the rare occasions that he does get to do these things, his whole demeanor changes. You can see the excitement in his eyes when he discusses the plot of one of his stories, the serene expression he has on his face when he paints. In these moments, when he gets to express his creativity, he is truly happy.
    He additionally connects with nature in a profound and inspiring way. He’s always wanting to go on walks through trails or asking to visit state parks. He just genuinely enjoys being outside, something I can only say I enjoy when it’s a solid 78 degrees out.
    So, back to the sailboat. He’s wanted one ever since I can remember; I distinctly recall wanting to buy him one for his birthday when I was 7, but then finding out that sailboats cost a lot more than the loose change and holiday money I had in my piggy bank. He told me that he used to build mini models of sailboats with his dad when he was younger, so I can only assume that sailboats, to him, symbolize his childhood and bring back memories of his own father (who died suddenly when my dad was just 16). Not only are sailboats nostalgic, but they also provide an open space in the middle of nature (the ocean)- the perfect place to create and write and read and let his mind roam free. Not only would I gift him a sailboat, but I would also give him free time so that he could actually use it, and I’d advise him to take full advantage of the time and the space I’d be giving to him. All in all, I’d just want to make him happy, and I think a sailboat would do just that.

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  31. Firstly, considering I am light sleeper, the idea of finding a bearded old man in my terribly pink room no matter how kindly, quite scary. But for Albus Dumbledore I guess I would have to make an exception and not freak out. Otherwise, I would have some very angry friends if I had woken startled, before I had the most amazing dream ever.
    So I have thought long and hard about this blog post. So many gifts although seemingly impenetrable always have an exception to the good parts of it. I could give the gift of the future but that would only mean people would try to change it. I could give the gift of money to solve poverty but that would only encourage mindless spending. I could give the gift of a heart only to have it broken. Nothing in this world or another can possibly provide the great happiness we all desire. But we can try to achieve it. And if you can try to give it away.
    Anyway if a kindly old wizard told me I had the ability to bestow any power to another I would give the ability to see clearly. Many people lose sight of their bright future or the reality in which they are in because of the distractions that follow each day. Sometimes it’s hard to differentiate what is really important and what is just nonsense.
    Now this gift, too has an exception. I could give the gift of clarity yet be posed with the question “how do we then learn from our mistakes if we do not commit any in the first place” And to that I have no answer. Giving gifts and granting outrageous wishes makes me feel like a genie. However, a genie twists and turns your words around in a way that just disorients the actual purpose of the wish. And although I have no desire to not fulfill one’s hopes, somewhere along the way the “something” that I give will lose the ability it has to make that person happy. Because a person can change their mind rapidly, what one day is the peak of their lives could be their downfall on the next.
    Walking down the hallways of Oakcrest this past year, whether it’s the stress of junior year or a new perspective, it seems to be that too many people have lost hope in their future. I say this time and time again because I am astonished at the fact and wonder how this can be. Many students who we often do not associate our lives with everyday lose focus on the bigger picture of high school. Or at least so it seems through my eyes. Friendship troubles and relationship struggles cloud the purpose of our four years here. My gift to them would be clarity, to those few who forget that all the grades we are given matter little but are beneficial to a greater life. They have the rest of their lives to learn and grow from experience, they shouldn’t change their lifestyle, but their priorities. I hope from my gift they will be able to see a future for themselves and try harder in school. Because there is so much more than the little of what we do know in the world especially at this time in our lives.

  32. Once upon a time, a teenage girl, Claire, dreamt of being in her room watching TV. A wizard, who bears a striking resemblance to Albus Dumbledore, startled Claire by appearing outside her window. She approached him with curiosity and fascination. The wizard offered her the power to give one person anything in the entire universe. She instantly thought of her abuela (grandmother). Last year, her abuela pretty much lost her vision due to constant bleeding in the eyes. She wore glasses and had always had some minor issues with her eyes. Her doctor prescribed her medicine to take and required her to visit every now and then. But being the spoiled woman she is, she avoided visiting her doctor because she didn’t like going. Resulting from her dumb decisions, she unfortunately can not see anything and has to take twice as much medication than she had to take before. However, there are days where she can see blurry figures and faded colors but can never see anything sharp and clear. She still wears glasses to help a little with that blurriness but it’s honestly useless. Ever since she lost her vision, she has been depressed that she can't see anything anymore, including Claire and the rest of her family. Claire’s abuela lived with her for while to be taken care of. With her living in that house, she was alone most of the time because Claire and her brother had school and her parents had work. So basically, Claire’s dog kept her company. Her depression went to the point where she cried every morning when she woke up, not finishing her meals throughout the day, stubbornness and loneliness. It broke Claire’s and the rest of her family’s heart. In fact, recently, she had moved to Ecuador to live with her close relatives that could watch her 24/7. So now a days, she is doing fine with comfort but still is having trouble with her vision. All Claire wants for her abuela is to live her final years of her life, enjoying time with her family and watching them grow up with her own eyes. So she takes the wizard’s offer to give her abuela sight. After bestowing the gift upon her, she would give her the biggest hug and kiss and tell her that sight is very precious and she must take care of her eyes to have it. Claire would also tell her that she can now live happily, seeing the beauty of nature surrounding her for the remaining years of her life.

  33. My mom is the most important person in my life, and she always will be. She was born in the Philippines, and then she moved here to start a new life when I was about 2 years old. Unfortunately, she left me in the Philippines with my father for reasons unknown. But, when I was four I finally moved to America with her. She’s one of the most hardworking people I know. From the moment she wakes up, she is working. Whether it’s at her actual job or at home, she does not stop. She works very long hours, then when she comes home she does everything possible to maintain the house. It amazes me how much she goes through and how she still manages to do it all. But, what I admire about her the most is the love for her children. She pushes herself everyday for my siblings and I. I know we’re always the first on her mind. I even remember when I was still living in the Philippines, she called almost everyday to see how I was doing. She’d always send clothes as if she was still there with me buying me things. At that moment, I didn’t really appreciate the things she did for me while I was there. Now, however, I’ve come to realize that even when we were thousands of miles apart, she made sure that I knew she didn’t forget me. She made sure that I didn’t think she abandoned me. I could’ve went off with my life forgetting that I had a mother, but she made it a priority that that would never happen. Before, I thought her calls were annoying and constant, but now I know she only did that because I was always on her mind. Even today, she talks about how during one phone call she cried because I sang a song to her. It just goes to show how much she loved me. She never once abandoned me, and I never realized it until now. On the other hand, it’s been 12 years since I moved to America, and my father contacted me probably a total of 2 times ever since. He never once showed the effort my mom showed. My mom is the greatest person I know, and she deserves the world.

    My gift to her would be a mansion with many housekeepers. She’s been working hard her whole life so she deserves many luxuries that we couldn’t afford. The housekeepers would do everything for her so she wouldn’t have to break a sweat anymore. She deserves to be treated like a queen in a big house.

  34. If I could give someone one gift it would be self-confidence. Everyone always points out their flaws or things they’re not the best at. These people, including myself, don’t realize that they are worth way more than the respect and credibility that they’re giving themselves. Self-love and being confident in who you and what you look like is a really important thing. It can change your attitude and outlook on anything, even life. If you feel better about yourself than, naturally, you’ll feel better about everything. Your level of smartness, your clothes, whether or not you fit in. In a way we all have things that we don’t like about ourselves but that one thing might be one that another person loves about you. I have always thought my nose was way too small for my face. It didn’t help when people would always point out how much smaller my nose was compared to my big head. This feeling of hatred towards my petite nose went away when one day I was at WaWa buying a chocolate milkshake and the lady checking me out had told me that she wish she had my nose because hers was said to be too big for her face. This story, although seems a bit stupid, really helped me to feel more comfortable with my nose. A piece of advice I would give to someone who is self-confident is to not be afraid to show your confidence. Don’t overdo because then you’re probably going to seem cocky, but it’s okay to feel okay. I wish more people would understand that it’s okay to be happy even if others aren’t. You’re allowed to feel content and comfortable with yourself even if others pick out every flaw they have. I always have the problem of comparing myself to others and sometimes even feeling like an outcast because I don’t have the perfect curves that some girls have, or because my face isn’t naturally pretty, or even because I don’t have a thigh gap. I’m just perfectly imperfect. That’s just who I am and every person is built with a different body and I had the hardest time excepting that when I was younger and sometimes I still do. I guess there’s always going to people that you’re going to be jealous of and there’s going to be people that you secretly despise since they don’t realize the nice things they have and that you would give anything to have it. Just be you and kick ass at it because you’re the best version of you that there is and you are who you are for a reason. Even if you haven’t figured out what that reason is yet, I promise that there is one.

  35. In the recent weeks I have been through the worst moments of my life. In this real life simulation of hell I have learned a few things. One, the world is cold and cruel. So we have to do anything and everything in our power to bring light and warmth into it. Theres no need to be hateful and disrespectful to those who love you and just people you pass on the street, so do the nice thing hold the door and when you pass that pretty girl smile at her instead of giving her a bitchy look. The second thing I have learned is that no matter what you do some things you just cant see coming. Whether its a life altering catastrophe or your dumbs friend doing something dumb, life is always going to catch you by surprise. Because of all the shit I have been through, overtime I look at someone with a sad expression all I want it to change that. So if I could give anyone anything I would want to give them peace. Peace of mind is so vital to living this life as fully as you wish to. Life tears you down beats you to the ground and just when you think you can get up it smacks you with something else. But I would want to give people the power to get up off the floor to stand tall again and rise from the dirt. Life hurts like hell and theres no way to escape the pain. So I want to take it away from people and give them peace, let them forget the horror they've seen, help them let go of all the shit in their life. If by some miracle I actually had the power to give people peace of mind, I would want them to do one thing. I would want them to pass it on, to give someone else an easy mind to help someone else smile.

  36. If I had the power to give something to someone else, I would bless them with love. And not puppy love with your freshman boy/girlfriend. I’m talking about “finding your soulmate” kinda love. Not everyone gets the chance to end up with their soulmate, let alone meet them.

    I’m currently watching “How I Met Your Mother” on Netflix and this is where I got my inspiration for my blog. Ted Mosby, the main character, is telling his two children in the year 2030 about how he met their mother. Ted being Ted, he tells the ENTIRE backstory… Nine painful, lonely, exciting, beautiful seasons later, they story ends. I haven’t finished yet (currently on season 5, woohoo!) but long story short, Ted is a hopeless romantic searching for his future wife. All his friends watched him get his heart broken several times after putting so much effort in all his relationships. Ted longed for “the one” to show up but she never came. He was engaged once yet she left him at the alter. Stella, the ex-bride, said to him that “she[his future wife] is on her way”. Thus giving Ted hope in dating again. I feel soooo hard for that man. He may be fictional, but Idc. I don’t want my fellow classmates or anyone in my life to feel the way Ted is. I want to bless them with all the love in the world.

    Even though I’m still young and only been dating this one dude for almost a year, it’s been such a blessing. I’ve never been more happy in my life (lol cliche i know dont judge me). “I don’t need a man” they said. “I don’t want to be tied down” they said. “I’m like being independent” they said. ALL of that is great, but there is something more satisfying and comforting when you have someone to cuddle and to call yours. I want others to experience the feeling of passion, happiness, sadness, madness, lust, and love all in one day. Being in a relationship is a tough roller coaster but it's totally worth it. I want others to have the chance to feel what I feel and how Ted feels after he finds his wife.

  37. I hope that the person I chose is an acceptable answer considering she is deceased. Well, correction, instead of saying person I should say people. To which I can say the same for both because they are both deceased. I will also be giving them both the same gift; time. I started this blog a couple days ago and im still not sure how I want to write it. I didn’t want to write a sad blog because I didn’t want to make you sad. So, im sorry if this does make you said Bunj, for that is not my intention.
    To start off I will give the gift of time to Tiffany. Time to see that better days are to come. Time to realize that she was loved beyond belief. Time to love herself and not be stressed. Time to go out and accomplish all of the great things we all knew she was going to do. More than anything I want more time for her and with her. Someone with so much ambition and opportunity deserves the world. She was a safe haven for a countless amount of people and she deserved more time than she had. I know that if she just had more time she could've seen that bad days come and go and that the amount of people that love her and wanted to help her is amazing. Without her here so many of us are lost and looking for answers that we will never have. Tiffany deserved more time.
    The next person I will give the gift of time to is my Me-Mom. She died when I was around five years old and I don’t remember much about her except that on my dads side of the family she was everyone's rock. When she passed away my dad was so incredibly sad and it was hard to deal with because he isn't the type of person to show emotions. Especially any type of sad emotions, im not sure exactly why he's like that but I think its because he always wanted to be a super hero for my brothers and I. I want more time for my Me-Mom so she could see all the great things we've all accomplished because I know she would be so proud. It was no secret that my dad was my Me-Mom's favorite and for her to be able to see the strength he possesses and the wonderful children he's raised would make her unimaginably happy. I always want to ask my oldest brother and my dad questions about her but im scared to make them upset. I vividly remember a couple of years ago on my Me-Mom's birthday my oldest brother Matt called me crying and freaking out because he couldn’t find her grave. He wanted to go sit with her and talk to her and he couldn’t remember where her grave was, im not exactly sure why he called me. Im the youngest and have had the least amount of opportunity to visit her. I couldn't figure out why he was freaking out but I can only assume its because of the amazing women she was and that he felt as though he was losing her yet again. I want more time for my Me-Mom to be able to see all that her children and grandchildren have been able to accomplish and I want more time to be with her and learn about her.

  38. When I read the blog post, I immediately knew who and what I wanted to bestow a gift to. Now, this special person in my life as been around for quite some time; she annoys me, knows how to push my every button, and makes want to pull her hair out, but she also is very sensitive, and very self conscious because of the kids she surrounds herself with. My baby sister- my Izabella, has been bullied for her weight but her facial features as well. There is NOTHING wrong with either of those. Her face has been as beautiful since the day she was born and her weight is normal. Even if there was a problem with her, that gives the kids no reason to make fun of her. We have tried to talk to her over and over again about how beautiful, smart, and how she is not ‘fat’. But, when she leaves the house, all those words we said to her, do not mean s***. Kids nowadays have no filter, no respect, and don’t care if they hurt your feelings. It’s disgusting. I have, countless of times, to talk to the kids and tell them that words hurt and to stop picking on my little sister, my dad has contacted a girl's mother because she called her a “fat bitch”. Yup, a little girl called my sister that. Crazy. Boy, if I was older, I would’ve called her mother myself. It irritates me and makes my heart sink because my bella should not be treated like that. Nobody should. So, my gift to her would be: to block out the words of people who don’t matter, and listen to the words, from people who do matter. I would give this to her in a heartbeat. She deserves to go outside without being picked on or be made fun of because she has a fever blister on her lips. It’s horrific to see how kids treat other people nowadays. When I give this to her I will say, “use this whenever you can. Don’t shy away from it, own it. There always will be people who pick on you, but that is when you block your ears from the words pouring out of their mouths and remember what your family has said to you.” I would pray that she takes my advice and my gift because I want the best for my little sister.

  39. That’s one sight, Bunj! Dumbledore visiting me in my dreams? I admit, a little awkward, but really cool. I wake up with a power? Sweeeeet. Well, if there was one person I would give something to, it would be my sister. As you know, I am very worried about her. She is very anti-social, and does not always have the best choice in friends—nor the patience to find good ones. It’s not that I want her to fit in, I just want her to stop trying to be someone she is not.

    The other day, I was going through my mom’s Facebook photos. The nostalgia it gave me almost brought me to tears. Those were the days; back when I was little and didn’t have a care in the world. Me and my sister would fight a lot, but we had the same sort of style in clothes and toys. As you can imagine, this made it easier for my mother to shop for us, but harder to stop us from fighting over things we both wanted. Anyway, my sister was this smiling, bright, girly, bundle of joy. Ever since she has found “new friends” in middle school, she has since abandoned her old ways. I always ask myself what I can do to help her, and if she will ever truly be the same again.

    All of her friends are the same:
    1. Obsessed with anime
    2. Listen to weird bands
    3. Never dress in any colors other than black, white, grey, and red
    4. Have a uneasy air to them
    5. Brooding
    6. Dyed hair
    And of course, I noticed that my sister is really trying to become her “best friend” Zoe (this is not her real name, just an alias). She wants to adopt all of the traits I just mentioned. I really just want her to be free and have the liberty to dress, act, and think how she wants to.

    That is why the gift I would give Sydney, is the gift of a cleansed heart and kid-hearted friends. Maybe then she could realize that she can be whoever she wants. I would tell her that friends are supposed to have differences, that’s what makes them mesh so well together. I would also add that friends are important, and should build you up—not tear you down and build you to their own image. You cannot be afraid to be your own person, and you mustn’t be afraid of the opinions of irrelevant people.

  40. If I could give a gift to someone in my life, it would have to be my dog, Maggie. As you all know by now, my White German Shepherd Maggie plays a very important role in my life. She is my dog, my sister, my best friend and my roommate. Although Maggie seems near-perfect with her beautiful white coat, stunning brown eyes and vibrant personality, Maggie is flawed. My cinnamon is afraid of other dogs. Maggie joined the Ketschek family when she was only two weeks old, which is probably the source of the problem. We suspect that she needed more time with her mother and that might be why she is so unsociable and skittish today. Who knows though because I’m no psychoanalyst. Considering the fact that my German Shepherd is afraid of a dog the size of a guinea pig, I would like to give Maggie the gift of being big and bold. Initially, when people arrive at the Ketschek household they are greeted rather aggressively. Maggie jumps up at the door and window with her loud, intimidating bark. She really has them fooled though because she’s a big baby at heart. Right when you put a creature of her own species in the same room she starts to back up and hide. While she may look big and bad, my dog is actually a wuss. Maggie’s bad-girl veneer is quite deceiving. Even worse, my dog is also afraid of the cat. Instead of the typical scenario where the dog chases the cat, my animals are just the opposite. My dog may act like she runs the household but, when it comes to squaring up, my dog backs down. Maggie is all talk--or bark, I guess.
    After giving my dog this life-altering gift, I would tell her to use it to her advantage. I would tell Maggie to never back down to anyone again, for her own good. Although it’s sad that she didn’t develop a sense of self defense against other animals on her own, I would be glad to grant her this. Maggie is a loyal, loving animal who seems to be misunderstood. It breaks my heart when people refer to my cinnamon as “skittish” or “skitzo” because it offends me also. Overall, I just want my Maggie to live her life as confidently as possible. I would like to minimize the amount of negative comments I receive about my “skittish” dog. I love my Maggie and that’s all that matters. She might not be the most sociable, outgoing or interactive animal on the block but, she is to me. I’m sure a little gift of confidence and the ability to be big and bold would do Maggie some good.

  41. If I could give anyone anything, who would I give it too? Well, at first I couldn’t really think of anyone, then Tim mentioned my brother. My brother will be who this wizard will be bestowing a gift too. It’s not just any gift, personally, I believe that it’s necessary that he has this for the future. So the gift that I would give him would be confidence which doesn’t seem like much because most of you don’t know my brother but trust me it would be major for him to have confidence. I figured I should at least somewhat describe my brother’s personality and why to believe that it is as it is. My brother is two years younger than me which makes him and I very close at least from an age point of view. The first thing I have to mention about him is what I personally believe is his most important quality, his so-called disability. My brother’s name is Joey, he was born premature and was very sick as a child, he has been diagnosed with Asperger’s which Is a syndrome that is an Autism spectrum disorder considered to be on the “high functioning” end. He has difficulty coming into new environments and adapting to certain situations. Joey also is somewhat socially awkward but he has improved on that aspect in his life over the last couple years. I have never met someone who has his spirit, he honestly amazes me. His ability to work hard to overcome the difficulties he faces is unmatched, from being in classrooms where other children called him stupid to being called a retard by others in the hallway. Joey has difficulty forming relationships with others which I also have but for me, it’s not important, for him due to the fact that he has always had difficulty being accepted by others is very important.
    The reason I give him confidence is so that way he becomes surer of himself, the abuse he suffered as an up until recently has, in my opinion, created a massive sense of doubt in him. He is one of the few people that still vividly use their imagination, he often comes into my room to show me his drawing of comic book characters that he dreams to one day make into his own comic book universe to rival those of DC AND Marvel. I simply as a brother and someone I look up too I hope that he never loses his imagination because he isn’t confident in himself. Also, if he is more confident he won’t have difficulty forming relationships, which would without a doubt help him overcome a lot of problems he faces. The advice that I would give him is simple, “be yourself and never let your dreams die”.

  42. If Albus Dumbledore gave me the power to give one person anything in the entire universe, I would freak out and call myself crazy. Anyway, I would give the feeling of self-confidence to my best friend, Scott. Scott is one of my cousins and my very first friend. We bonded a lot throughout our childhood. We played games together, talked about personal problems, went on trips, etc. In every family gathering or party, Scott and I would stick with each other. He is my Robin and I am his Batman. He is my right-hand man and trustworthy friend. We role-played as Power Rangers fighting the evil bushes and trees together. It was fun and really dumb, but we were kids. As we grow up, our confidence starts to decrease leading to both of us doubting ourselves and lowering our self-esteem. Scott doesn't trust his own abilities or skills. When someone asks a question, Scott would say the answer, but immediately say “That is what I guess, I don't know. I could be wrong. Maybe ask someone else. They probably have a better answer than me." I do the same, but I rather help my friend than help myself. Once I give him his gift, I would tell him to "JUST DO IT". I would tell him to get out there and show your knowledge. Get out there and show the world your tennis skills. Get out there and impress your crush. Get out there and say, "I CAN DO THIS!!". I want him to feel confident in himself so that he can achieve his goals and become a great leader. He has the qualities to become one, but he doesn't have faith in himself to act like one. One day, I hope he would inspire others to have faith and trust in their own abilities. So that they can live better lives and become successful.

  43. One gift. There are over 7 billion people in this world, and an infinite amount of things to be gifted, and you tell me to give one thing, to one person. Really? Okay then, you like to work my brain I get it.

    I would give these females the power to stop curving me. I’m just kidding. Although that would be great, I wouldn’t use my one gift on something so simple and selfish. Now, there would need to be some prepping for my gift. I would need to find a valid, worthy candidate. For this, I would need to do one of those social experiments you see on twitter. The ones where they prove that people with little are more appreciative and honest than people who actually have things. Where they make normal funded people look like shit and homeless people look great. A man drops hundreds of dollars out of a suitcase and just continues walking. A homeless man picks up all the money and chases the guy down to return the money and insists he takes it back. That is my worthy candidate right there. That man, I will give like 30 billion dollars. That is a lot of money, and he would need to know how to handle it. That is why I need to find a trustworthy person to gift this money. I’m not trying to just take someone and make him a billionaire, he needs to share his wealth. When I give it to him I would say the words, “Do the right thing with it,” and I guess just trust him. That’s something else that would help the world, trust and trustworthiness, but unfortunately, there is only one gift in this blog. Anyway, he needs to share the wealth. I’m expecting a new hospital. I’m expecting a redesigned home neighborhood. I’m expecting a youth group to help children. I’m expecting all three and more. I want this money to positively affect everyone. “Money doesn’t buy happiness,” that is a load of bs. You ever see someone frowning on a jetski? That’s a funny example but seriously. Are you trying to tell me fixing a bad neighborhood isn't going to create happiness? You’re saying helping kids in bad situations out or building a hospital isn’t going to create happiness? It’s going to create happiness, and it’s not possible without money. That’s going to be added to my advice to the recipient, “Money does buy happiness.”

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. It’s HARD, impossible not to think about a sexual encounter between me and Albus Dumbledore. It’s impossible considering the fact that I’ve heard far too many sexual innuendos about the Harry Potter series. Imagine this: you were having fun at a party, rocking out to Drake and Hannah Montana and a guy (or girl) with a long beard—possibly named Albus (or Albita) Dumbledore, walks in and asks if he (or she) could buy you a drink. Swooned by his (or her) ruggedly handsome features, you gladly accept the drink with a cute chuckle in an attempt to swoon him (or her) back. You two make conversation. “How’s your family,” you ask the stranger awkwardly.
    Dumbledore replies, “No thanks. I already ate.” This reply perplexes you.
    “I didn’t ask about…”
    “Yes, I would like fries with that.” Mistakenly assuming that it was a suggestion to partake in intercourse, instead of realizing that Albus (Albita) has a severe case of dementia, you look away for a moment. Embarrassed. Slyly, Albus (Albita) places a drop of emerald potion, possibly Flunitrazepam, in your drink. Once you pass out from a small sip, he or she tells the bartender that they are your designated driver and is responsible for taking you home. After you arrive at a three-story gingerbread house, Dumbledore would try to find a way to SLYTHERIN to your chamber of secrets and find a way to fill your room of requirements.
    I apologize for everything I just said because I just needed to procrastinate through this blog. But it must’ve drawn your attention if you’ve been reading up until this point so here’s the actual blog post…
    At first I thought, “Why not give myself the gift of giving happiness to other people?” Be, in a way, a genie: a mythical creature that can be brought out through the simple act of rubbing the lamp that it resides in. It sounded beautiful but I realized how lonely it could be. How self-less a genie would have to be in order to grant other people’s happiness but be unable to grant his or her own. I didn’t want that.
    Finally, I came to a realization. I could grant someone the gift of giving me happiness. Pause. Don’t get your panties in a bunch whoever you are that’s reading this. You’re probably wondering, “How selfish of you to place that burden upon someone else. Shame on you!!” On the contrary, my happiness is actually unselfish. Sure, I selfishly do things for myself all of the time; it’s human nature. It’s a part of me that ceases to obey any request of compliance. I want to be selfish. However, it fills me with greater happiness and satisfaction to provide others with happiness. I want others to succeed.

  46. When we were kids we saw this bright hopeful world full of life and love and free of cares. Why is that? As children, the majority of us, are handed life and given love and our parents rid us of our cares. Life looked so much brighter when everyone looked happy and all are friends hadn’t a care in the world. Each year in school I notice a huge difference in the atmosphere of my peers. I see an increase of fear for the future, tiredness, and sadness in every student’s face and it hurts me. I can’t say I haven’t, also, fallen into this crowd, however I can say that I’ve brought myself out. I know what is important in this world. Forget about “success” or making money or exploring the world. Would or can you do all those things alone? The care of others brings success, teaches us how to make money, and accompanies us on our journeys. Our teachers, parents, and friends give the love and support needed for a healthy brain to accomplish all the great things that we do. What truly matters are the people we love. WIthout love what are we? Love is freeing and exciting! We all could use extra love and I truly wish I could grant that to everyone. Love heals emotional suffering and breaks all the chains in which the world binds us. Everyday I walk through the grimm halls of Oak just analyzing each students emotion and the sadness that seems to be the new trend. If I could give anyone a gift I would give them everlasting love. A life full of love where all the little things don’t matter, as they should. A life full of love where laughing becomes your vitamin. A life full of love is a life well spent. I would only advice the person to give as much love as he/she gets from my gift because the power from receiving love is equal to that of giving love. Love all, forgive all, and smile more cuz’ it looks good on ya!

  47. One magical gift to one person? I think I would end up reasoning with Dumbledore and come up with a way I can give one gift to a huge amount of people in the world. The one gift I want to give, the one gift I would need to give, is happiness. True happiness no pills, no doctors, no more sad days. I want to gift the people struggling the gift of happiness. I want them to wake up in the morning smiling, telling themselves it will be a good day. I want the victims of bullying to brush it off and be granted the gift of happiness. That is all I ever want for people. So as you see it is kind of impossible for me to grant a gift to just one person when all I want is for people to live in happiness. There are so many people struggling and one gift of happiness could result in a solution. A solution to the bullying, a solution to the sadness. However, one person comes to mind that I would give something else. But the gift of happiness will always and forever be what I want for people.
    So I guess if i could not send happiness to everyone, I would grant my mom the gift of no pain. I am sure a lot of people say their mothers have problems, but my poor mom really is in awful shape. However, on the outside she puts up a front, as so do I. We both have similar physical illness’s and problems, however hers is worse at the moment because she is obviously way older than me. Anyway, I see her hurting every day of her life. She limbs, uses a cane occasionally and constantly finds her way in the hospital so much where it is just a normal occurrence now. I just want to cure her issues. I understand living through physical pain every minute of the day, so I cannot even imagine how she feels because she is a lot worse than me. I just want to help her and cure her and if I had one gift it would be for her to heal.

  48. If the good old wise wizard named Albus Dumbledore were to come in my dreams to grant me a wish to allow me give one person anything, I would give myself the ability to have control over the wish orbs so maybe I can be a SSGSS (s/o to whoever get the reference).
    Okay, let me get on the serious note… which will be right after I find my serious pen. Got it, sorry.
    If I have to give someone anything, I would give him/her an intangible thing because there are many more ways to improve one’s life/condition with an intangible thing rather than a tangible one. Keeping that in mind, I would like to give Donald Trump a mind. Whenever he talks, it is like he gets millions of small seizures. He needs severe help in his brain because it is not working properly, especially the Amygdala and Hippocampus. He needs help with making decisions one his own, learning how to respect others and how to talk to others without insulting them, having better memory, and I can go on and on. On the social note (*grabs his social pen*), Trump has been disrespectful to so many people and is racist, sexist, and almost all the other kinds of “-ist” there are. If Trump uses his mind wisely, then he would know all the faults in his speech and would control his mouth.
    Not just that, but also political trash comes out of his mouth. It is not even political in the first place. He always says that he will do things and people take his word for it because everyone thinks he is a really honest person who sticks to his word. If you had really studied him, you would know that Trump usually does not stick to his word and he usually lies as well. He always says that he is going to make Mexico pay for the wall. He hasn’t said how he will force Mexico to do so considering that the Mexican president refused to pay even a single cent for the wall. By using his “new mind”, he will learn what is right and what is wrong for the country, its people, and for the world overall.
    My advice to Trump would be to use his mind for once and not be the doom of our country and of other countries as well. I have nothing against Trump as a person himself. I have a problem with his policies, ideas, views against women and other religion, and his personality overall. If Trump were to improve all these things to what seems logical and good to me, then I would surely vote for him. His business success would come as a bonus as well! But as we all know, this will not happen and Trump would stay as a dick with a golden wig.

    1. *Extra* *Not part of the actual blog post*

      Before all of you Trump haters come at me for saying I would vote for Trump (which is very logical of you), know that I hate Trump as much as you guys and I wouldn't vote for him even in my dreams. I will ONLY vote for him if he changes his views and ideas to what I want to see in him and to what I think is best for the country. But then again, I am only 16 so I can't vote in the first place.

  49. Lia Valentin is an only child. Her parents are Mildred Mae Hargis and Joaquin Valentin. Lia’s childhood life was a pretty normal besides the fact that she was raised by a single parent. Her father and mother had divorced, but still keep in touch today for the grandkids. Fast forwarding a little, Lia at first; wanted to be a dentist, but then decided to go into nursing. She received her B.S.N, M.S.N, and is currently working on getting her doctorate. Before nursing became an idea in Lia’s head, a baby was conceived first. Lia was 19 at the time and Kosonh was 18 at the time. They had a little boy who was quiet, but would soon grow to be a strikingly handsome young man(just kidding). Kosonh and Lia moved to sunny Pleasantville where they enjoyed life together and the start of a family. But soon after, they separated. Lia felt constricted and wanted to do something in her life to support for her child, and Kosonh didn’t agree upon it. So in the end, Lia and Kosonh had separated(not divorced, because they had never married) and Lia went to nursing school and received those titles. Now this woman I talk about is no other than my own mother. She has worked so hard to provide a home, education, and all the things I could ever wish for in a parent. And that’s support. She may not be able to make it to all my matches or competitions because she never gets a day off; but she does her absolute best to cheer me on and give me motivation. If I could give my mother one gift, it would be a private jet that can go anywhere she so chooses. I pick this gift because, my mom has always wanted to travel the world and see all the wonders. She has been to many places so far; such as Puerto Rico, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Canada, Maine, California, she’s even been to Firefly(the music festival) twice already. But my mother is a free spirit and she loves to explore new things and I think a private jet would help her fulfill her dream of traveling the world. She has done so much for me and I may not say it often, but I’m grateful to have a mom like her in my life. The one who constantly nags to me about my grades everyday, the one who will come home from work at midnight and still be able to talk to me for another or two knowing that she has to be at work the next day at six. The one who doesn’t care what I be, as long as I’m happy and let’s me find my own path(with suggestions on the side). But the one who also says will kill me if she gets grandkids before I’m 30. Besides all those things, I love my mom and she’s my best friend, and the one that I can go to for anything. She deserves it. My advice for her would her would be simple, “Do what makes you happy”.

  50. The one thing that I would give any person at birth is intelligence. I would give away intelligence because that is something most of man kind lacks and it affects us negatively. From lack of knowledge, arrogance is born, and through arrogance conflict comes into the equation. There are also other negative chain of effects that are results of ignorance and unintelligence, but I'm going to concentrate on the aforementioned few.

    Why do conflicts, such as fighting or argument/disagreements, occur? Because both of the sides of the problem lack the brain capacity and simply not spill bs as arguments at each other, which further puts oil on the fire. Usually the reason why arguments occur and keep happening is because of dumb people not being able to solve the problem in a civilized manner. And oh, don't get me wrong. I understand some people keep on with the arguments because they emotionally can't handle the issue with anything, but arguing. I understand that and I'll say that such people are kind of exceptions on this matter so I'll leave them be.

    Anyway, fighting occurs on higher scales and during important circumstances that can ruin international connections or bring a nation to its ruin. Why do these things happen? Well, even though there are "intelligent" people governing these nations, well... they are still dumb and unintelligent. Why? Because they are practically power hungry, these people. Every man who even slightly taste "power" begins to want it and the fact that they succumb to the idea of "power" proves their lack of intelligence by lack of self control and self discipline. While I'm at it, I might as well add that true knowledge isn't knowing all the facts in the world or knowing how to solve every math equations or be able to write a perfect essay or get 100s in every class. No, people with great self-discipline are the ones who are superior in this matter. Not sure how to explain it, but people who can willingly go ahead and do things are the people who are intelligent. They are intelligent because they managed to teach themselves, or were blessed with the ability, to control their actions and deeds resulting in productivity.

    Having "added" that on, I want to finish up by saying that, knowledge makes you realize how minor you are. How small and petty you are. How you actually don't know much in the grand skim of things (I think that's the way the expression goes). And knowledge helps you notice that your life isn't the only one that matters. That you are not special. Hence empathy. Hence the ability to understand others through thinking through their mind, in a sense, and, as a result, loss of arrogance and more love for life.

    I could be proven wrong any time and anywhere by someone more intelligent and experienced than me. It always happens, but usually my dad proves me wrong. But I learn. But I truly believe that intelligence, true intelligence, can give birth to a chain of positive results, such as the ability to empathize with others and learn through their experiences or be able to manage yourself through self discipline or simply learn about love. But at the same time intelligence could also be used negatively, which I find sad and disturbing. I will keep my mind open, though, for new ideas and opinions, of course. There's always something new to learn and I'll accept anything, even if it contradicts my ideas and beliefs.

    Please don't think I'm crazy after reading this blog. It may sound like a mess and like I don't know what I'm talking about, but I actually put great amount of thought behind all what I have briefly touched upon in the above. I just don't want to be misunderstood and taken for a fool. Yeah.....


  51. If I were to magically obtain powers to help someone, I would be my Mama. Thankfully, she’s doing a bit better now. Towards the end of January, my Mom got a surgical biopsy on her breast to test for breast cancer. Thankfully, the results came back negative, but the wound from the surgery (which is wayyyy bigger than i really needed to be) left her immune system in a weak state. During the musical season and even for some time after, she was sick with a pretty nasty Flu. She even stayed in the hospital for 3 days due to the illness! Because she reacts badly to pain, she would repeatedly lose consciousness. She got lots and lots of tests done while in the hospital, but when she came back home, she still didn’t know what was wrong with her. I thought it was pretty weird that the doctor’s tried so hard and checked and double checked for signs of anything at all, yet found nothing. The fainting subsided and now she has these episodes of paralyzing pain around her liver/gallbladder area. One minute she’ll be telling us about how much better she is feeling and the next, she is laying in bed not able to move. We suspect that she has a cyst around that area of her stomach. What to do next, we don’t know yet. All I know is that it is sad to watch someone you love go through an unfortunate series of events, such as these. And trust me when I say that I know there are far worse things that could be going on in her body and in our lives. Her biopsy results could have showed that she had breast cancer or maybe the CAT scans from the hospital could have shown seizure-like activity (that was another suspicion because of the fainting). I’m just grateful that her problems are relatively easy to overcome (*knocks on wood*). Even still, I would give my Mama the gift of a strong immune system and good medical health, so she wouldn’t have to worry about constantly being sick.

    As for advice...for other people, I would advise them to treat their bodies well, but my Mama is a pretty healthy person as it is. Taking care of a healthy body by eating right, getting enough sleep, and exercising would be the right thing to do in order to “live up to” the gift that would have been given to her. (oh my holy turtles...the passive voice aghhhh) I really do wish that one day, all of this will be better and that she won’t have to feel drained all the time. Sometimes my Mama jokes about how she wouldn’t survive any intense treatments if they needed to be done. While she might say it with a laugh, I always feel a jolt of pain run through my body because I know she is right. My Mom just isn’t physically strong enough to endure intense illnesses or treatments for those illnesses. And that is why, to prevent unnecessary pain (and tears shed), I would grant my Mom lifelong strength.


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